Monday, August 10, 2009

John and Ahanu and Sonic and the Garden

Today Ahanu wanted to go to his friend, John's, house. Well, his mom was going out shopping soon and instead we decided that John would come over to our house. John brought some Game Cube games to play on our Wii.

John played a Sonic game while Ahanu watched and ate a big lunch, of cheese casadia, green beans, broccoli, and asparagus. He ate a couple helpings of that, some cherries, and a sugar-free chocolate that he shared with John. Then he had some water kefir and some garden-fresh cooked lima beans, just before he left to go with John to his house when his mom came to pick him up.

I went out on my bike to Ward's soon after John came to our house in order to go get more sugar to feed our water kefir grains. I got some discounted organic sweet potato, organic apples, and organic blueberries, as well.

Today, I also ordered some a milk kefir and kombucha starter, so I will blog about all three of those at some point. If anyone would like to start their own homemade fermented beverage at their house I would be happy to send you a starter, when I have enough. I am hoping to sell them to folks, so maybe you could even pay me what you think it is worth to you. I got the water kefir for about $12, but some places sell it for about $16 plus shipping. If you are local, I can also sell you just the drink already made.

I thought I could share with you a video I just made of our garden as it looked today. I had the camera on the low quality setting, so I will redo it when I get a chance. We have many of the eggplants in the fridge that we harvested and a few more have already been digested. The lima beans we had today from the garden were excellent!

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